this post is to introduce you guys my class-5SC1.
there is 35 students in our class and Mr. Ng is our form teacher for this yearand here is our photos..
our class monitors raymond, weiching, and booteik (teik you are so fake xD)
jason, hantatt, yuantatt and yanjie
chunchuen, raymond, yawjing,phengkern and junkit
jeen, weixian and minxiang
when there is no
this guy is trying to attract our attention but too bad all of us dont bother him..
and at the end...
i was trying to snap our teacher but accidentally i snapped khaiyuan scolding someone
damn his pose and reaction look so funny xD
- thanks minxiang for the photos
- C class so what? we still rocks
- yanjie.. go do some treatment on your hair.. and stop pulling it.. it doenst straighten your hair at all xD
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