about 6pm.. i reached there and walked to Mega-Que and meet up with Herh them.
15 minutes later.. Jason (khor-.-)came. so me and him went Quicksilver and look for chia sen's birthday present.. and we bought a sandals for him =D
after that.. all of us went Seoul Garden
we talked, laughed and did some silly stuffs there xD
it's really fun and all of us enjoyed it very well (thanks chia sen=D)
let the photo do the talks.
JinWin and JerShunn
XiaWei and HanWen
the 1st cake which is destroyed by some1 xD
so they bought him the second cake
with the candles
bang, lu manyak greedy lo,1 person with 2 cakes -.-
we asked seoul garden's staff to help us take a group photo..but that banggala seems like dont know how to use camera-.-he dint even ask us to ready or what then just press the snap button.. kaneh.. and the photo come out with this-.-
all of us beh tahan him then we just ask another staff to take photo for us
and finally...
after dinner.. all of us was just fooling around and do some silly stuffs there which make us laughed like hell xD
Tatt aka sucker
(both of us are just RM15 xD)
Davison aka hero of the day xD
Group Picslook how huge our geng is xD
after that.. all of us went Prangin for movie..
but too bad the movie is just too late for us..
so we changed our plan and went uptown for some drinks..
about 1 something.. all of us came out because they had a checking operation-.-
and lastly..
happy 17th birthday Chia Sen =D
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