this stupid said he wanna see the sun rise.. haha
but at the end.. no sun rise but the beutiful view oni.. xD
on the way.. we saw a awsome shop title.. haha
after dat.. we went hutan lipur(a gud place for camping).. lol
WL suggested to go balik pulau frm teluk bahang.. (woo a far trip)
the view luk nice rite? lol.. feel like to swim there but too bad we din bring our swim trunk..
on the way to balik pulau.. we went to a tropicanal fruit farm.. din buy anything there but jz plying the fool n take photos.. haha
luckily the boss there din scold us for disturbing him.. lol
after END OF THE WORLD.. finally we reach the heaven..haha
when we plying n driving till so fun.. sumting XXXX happended.. GUESS WHAT!? my motor jz PUNCTURED!!!
so i forced to ride JF's motor bec to Balik Pulau n find some1 to repair it.. zzz
at the end.. i found this uncle..
he came with his lao ya C70 lol (who said lao ya motor cant climb mountain?)
the uncle vry pity ler.. work under the sun =.= i so gao park.. so ngam the tyre there was under the sun xD.. sry uncle..
after half an hour.. my motor is repaired n it cost me RM17.. 0.0 n we rest for awhile b4 go anywhere..
about 2 or 3 sumting.. we go eric's hse n meet hou dere.. n den Conway ply snooker again.. lol.. im bored with this xD
luk at the score board.. my score was so ugly compare with oths.. o.O
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