Thursday, November 20, 2008


we was planned to go butterworth ytd.. but bcuz there is pilots among us..
we changed our plan to go there on the oths day.. (feel like to whack them... u noe who i mean? haha)
dun get to go butterworth but dun wan to stay at hse.. den wad to do?
at 9am.. i reached eric hse n force him to wake.. n den wait for him to wash up.. (kanine waste my time nia)
after dat.. we went ah hou hse.. n dat time he stil slping.. *wtf?
so we had to wake him up again.. zzz.. he is hard to wake den eric.. =.=
n den.. three of us went Lye Lye there to have our breakfast..
the DIM SUM there r expensive n nt nice.. lol.. i prefer the shop opposite KDU.. haha
we eat n chit chat there until 10sumting.. guess where we went after breakfast?
CC AGIAN!! lol.. cuz we really dunno where to go.. zzz
we ply ply ply until 12 sumting den dat cb hou said he cant tahan liao n bec his hse to slp.. zzz
about 5 sumting.. we went hazel's (hui min's fren) hse (at regency height) n wish to swim there...
but.. the guard there said dey had changed their rules.. we can only visit our fren there but dun get to use the facilities.. ESPECIALLY THE SWIMMING POOL!! wtf!?
so bo huat. we can oni go hui min's hse (vistaria height.. m i correct? haha) n swim there..
after dat.. we planned to BBQ but bcuz of sumting happened.. we forced to cancel our BBQ plan..
theree of us went Super Tanker to have our dinner n den Jun Fong, Chuan Sern n Han Wen came meet us there..
after dinner.. all of us went to QB there n talk.. (sum1 cried there.. haha.. too bad dat time i dint bring my camera.. jkjk.. dun angry xD)
n about 12 sumting.. Sern said they r hungry so Fong n me take dem to Golden Bay to eat their dinner.. *siao rite? 12am oni go eat dinner.. zz
but this is our style.. xD.. cant stand for it? den too bad u cant join our group.. haha